During A period on April 1, two students spotted an odd creature making its way down Nu’uanu stream.

The freshmen were headed to the counseling office from a first floor classroom when they heard a distant splash from down the stream. The pair snapped a quick iPad picture but was only able to take one photograph before the creature disappeared behind some trees. One of the freshmen, who prefers to remain anonymous, said, “I was so scared when I saw first saw it in the stream. I thought I was imagining things, but I realized this is a legitimate lake creature.” The other student added, “I really hope it never comes back, or people might feel unsafe near the stream. I know I did.”

I thought I was imagining things, but I realized this is a legitimate lake creature.

This is not the first time HBA has received reports of odd and enigmatic animals in or near the stream. Just three months ago, a security guard claimed that he heard a moan coming from the stream. He said, “I followed the sounds and saw three, maybe four, snake-like heads disappearing into the far side of the stream. I reported it to the facilities office but nobody ever got back to me about it. At this point, I’m just trying to forget about it.”

The school administration has been informed about the recent sighting, and has assigned at least one security guard to patrol the banks of the stream. Students are encouraged to steer clear of the stream and enjoy the rest of their April Fool’s Day in safety.

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